learn UI design

UI Design, short for User interface design, is an active field that intermingles with creativity as well as effectively that helps to attract people visually by creating catchy Digital Interfaces for websites or apps. Now-a-days UI design has become one of the most demanding skills in the virtual world because everyone now wants an eye catchy interface to get the attention of their audience through their online services

So by understanding the current situation it can be said that learning UI design and working as a professional in this field can be a good decision if you are someone who is good at problem solving as well as you want versatility in your profession with job satisfaction.

Now you must get nervous by thinking about How to learn UI design ? It is one of the key questions that people have in their mind at first. Hence we are providing this effective guide which will explain thoroughly the process of How to learn UI design ? and after reading it till the end you will be able to unlock the doors of the digital creativity world.Here  How to learn UI design step by step  are shown below :

How to learn UI design ?

1. Get to know from the very basic:

When you are starting your journey with something new then it is very important to know about the initial concepts. Here are the initial concepts which you should know about at the beginning of your journey-

Compose correct layout – A UI Designer mainly works with apps and web page which are identical to artistic work. In art, the artist works on canvas with his elements. Likewise the artist, UI designer can think of a web page as his work canvas and mix up his elements like an artist and make a creative layout that will help the users to understand about your service.

Creating user friendly design – As UI design rolls around creating interface for users, so creating user friendly design must be on the priority list of the UI designer .At the time of creating the design, the designer needs to think about the preferences of the users. Thinking of yourself as a user can help you design interfaces in a user-friendly way.

Learn Typography and Color Mixing – Typography is a process by which you can make your words catchy and visually highlight to the users as it is a visual element. In Typography, you mainly have to work with fonts and have to learn as well as practice about how different types of fonts notify different moods. At the same time you have to be careful about mixing color in your words (letters) since it will make your words beautiful visually.

2. Get yourself familiar with right tools :

To make your design desirable and creative you must get familiar with the tools that you will need for your projects because these tools will help you to make your design superb. Here are some helping tools :

Sketch – It is a common tool which is preferred by web designers for working on web pages and icons. It is a popular tool for digital designing.

InVision – It is a tool that is made by designers for designers. This tool is very suitable for prototyping work.

Adobe XD : It is a fast and powerful go-to design tool that can help you in making high fidelity design as well as prototypes.

Photoshop and Illustrator – It is an excellent software in Adobe industry for doing Graphic designing.

Remember that you have to choose your tools based on the type of the design that you are working on.

3. Practice very hard : 

Remember that there is nothing that can give you a satisfactory result unless you practice. So you should prepare yourself to practice hard if you really want to do a good job in this profession. But practicing in just one process is not a good idea because there is a chance of getting bored. So, there are several ways that you can try for your practice-

At the beginning, it will be easy if you start analyzing with existing UI designs from the apps and websites that you like most. By analyzing it you will get an idea about the thoughts of professional UI designers. After analyzing the existing design you should try to recreate those. It will be the best beginner friendly practice.

The Internet can be the best helping mentor for beginners in this field. There are a lot of online tutorials and courses presented in UI design. You can find videos on this topic on YouTube very easily.

After these Hands-on experience is the best way for practicing. In this you shall start on working on your personal projects which can be designing your own website or an app. Then share your work with your family, friends and community and get feedback from them.

4. Keep in touch with trend:

 In the world of How to learn UI design those can make progress who are able to get in touch with updated trends. For this reason you should keep an eye on social media like – twitter or follow those who inspired you or who are already working in this field. You can also subscribe to the newsletters to know about the latest trends. You can borrow ideas from others and try to use them in your own project.

5. Understanding audience and building portfolio: 

The most important thing in this field is to understand your audience. And to do so you have to research a lot in the user’s preference, needs and behaviors. Another thing that you have to know about is web accessibility guidelines. Do a proper study on this topic. Then work on making your portfolio. But remember that your portfolio has to look very versatile because it can show your versatile work ability. It can prove that you are not stuck on just one type of work or project. 

Start your portfolio website which will include your best projects and keep in mind to write about the design process. It’s like a personal branding and a designer resume.

Now I hope you get a proper idea about the process of How to learn UI design which is enough to accomplish your nervousness. So you can begin your journey in the world of How to learn UI design ? and get new experience.

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